Wavelet Normalizer
Creates normalizing fields in `data`
time_variable = "period_end_date",
series_variable = "deaths",
trend_variable = "deaths",
series_suffix = "_series",
trend_suffix = "_trend",
output_emd_trend = "emd_trend",
output_norm = "norm",
output_sqrt_norm = "sqrt_norm",
output_log_norm = "log_norm",
output_emd_norm = "emd_norm",
output_emd_sqrt = "emd_sqrt",
output_emd_log = "emd_log",
output_detrend_norm = "detrend_norm",
output_detrend_sqrt = "detrend_sqrt",
output_detrend_log = "detrend_log",
eps = 0.01
- time_variable
column name of time variable in `data`, default is "period_end_date"
- series_variable
column name of series variable in `data`, default is "deaths_series"
- trend_variable
column name of series variable in `data`, default is "deaths_trend"
- series_suffix
suffix to be appended to series data fields
- trend_suffix
suffix to be appended to trend data fields
- output_emd_trend
name of output field for the empirical mode decomposition applied to `trend_variable`
- output_norm
name of output field for the `series_variable` normalized by `output_emd_trend`
- output_sqrt_norm
name of output field for the square root of `output_norm`
- output_log_norm
name of output field for the logarithm of (`output_norm` + `eps`)
- output_emd_norm
name of output field for the empirical mode decomposition applied to `output_norm`
- output_emd_sqrt
name of output field for the empirical mode decomposition applied to `output_sqrt_norm`
- output_emd_log
name of output field for the empirical mode decomposition applied to `output_log_norm`
- output_detrend_norm
name of output field for the computed field `output_norm`-`output_emd_norm`
- output_detrend_sqrt
name of output field for the computed field `output_sqrt_norm`-`output_emd_sqrt`
- output_detrend_log
name of output field for the computed field `output_log_norm`-`output_emd_log`
- eps
numeric value for normalized data to be perturbed by before computing the logarithm