Plot Rohani Heatmap
Add a rohani heatmap to an exiting ggplot plot object. Possibly to be extended to include time series in a separate facet.
data = NULL,
series_variable = "deaths",
start_year_variable = "Year",
end_year_variable = "End Year",
start_day_variable = "Day of Year",
end_day_variable = "End Day of Year",
grouping_variable = "cause",
colour_trans = log1p_modified_trans(),
n_colours = (scales::brewer_pal(palette = "YlOrRd"))(9),
NA_colour = "black",
palette_colour = "YlOrRd"
- plot_object
a `ggplot2` plot object
- data
data frame containing data prepped for yearly vs. weekly heatmaps, typically output from `iidda_prep_heatmap()`. If `NULL` data is inherited from `plot_object`.
- series_variable
column name of series variable in `data`, default is "deaths"
- start_year_variable
column name of time variable containing the year of the starting period, defaults to "Year"
- end_year_variable
column name of time variable containing the year of the ending period, defaults to "End Year"
- start_day_variable
column name of time variable containing the day of the starting period, defaults to "Day of Year"
- end_day_variable
column name of time variable containing the day of the ending period, defaults to "End Day of Year"
- grouping_variable
column name of grouping variable to appear on the y-axis of the heatmap.
- colour_trans
function to scale colours, to be supplied to trans argument of scale_fill_gradientn()
- n_colours
vector of colours to be supplied to scale_fill_gradientn()
- NA_colour
colour for `NA` values, defaults to "black"
- palette_colour
colour of heatmap palette, defaults to "RdGy". Should specify what type of palette colours are accepted by this argument.