Collects information from the headers of the README files in model directories and returns the results as a data frame
dir = system.file("starter_models", package = "macpan2"),
show_missing = FALSE,
for_markdown = FALSE
dir = system.file("starter_models", package = "macpan2"),
show_missing = FALSE,
for_markdown = FALSE
mp_list_models(dir = system.file("starter_models", package = "macpan2"))
a data frame containing entries Directory
(model directory), Title
(model title), Description
(short description)
: Synonym formp_show_models
, which is preferred. Present for back-compatibility.mp_list_models()
: Return a character vector containing model names, instead of a data frame with more information about each model.
mp_show_models(show_missing = TRUE)
#> Directory Title
#> 1 awareness Awareness Models
#> 2 hiv HIV
#> 3 lotka_volterra_competition Lotka-Volterra
#> 4 lotka_volterra_predator_prey Lotka-Volterra
#> 5 macpan_base Macpan Base
#> 6 nfds NFDS and Vaccine Design
#> 7 seir Basic SEIR
#> 8 shiver SHIVER = SEIR + H + V
#> 9 si Basic SI
#> 10 sir Basic SIR
#> 11 sir_age Age-stratified SIR
#> 12 sir_demog SIR with Demography
#> 13 sir_mosquito Mosquito-Vector SIR
#> 14 sir_waning SIR with Waning Immunity (SIRS)
#> 15 ww Wastewater Model
#> Description
#> 1 Behaviour modifications in response to death
#> 2 A simple HIV model
#> 3 Simple two-species competition model
#> 4 Simple predator-prey model
#> 5 Re-implementation of the McMaster group's COVID-19 model
#> 6 An ecological model using population genomics to design optimal vaccines as implemented in Colijn et al. (2020)
#> 7 Simple epidemic model with an exposed class
#> 8 A modified SEIR model with Hospitalization and Vaccination
#> 9 A very simple epidemic model
#> 10 A very simple epidemic model
#> 11 An age-stratified SIR model
#> 12 An SIR model with birth and death
#> 13 SIR model for mosquito vectors
#> 14 A basic SIR model with a flow from R back to S
#> 15 Macpan base with an additional wastewater component