4 Simulation

All previous chapters were concerned with defining a compartmental model. In this chapter we switch to getting results from a defined model.

Once a model object is defined, it can be used to generate simulations using the simulation_history function.


The output contains a column for the simulation date, one column for each state variable (S, I and R in this case), and one column for every time-varying rate (S_to_I). The names of the time-varying rates are always of the form {from_state}_to_{to_state}. The reason why S_to_I is time-varying in this model is that it depends on a state variable, I, which is itself varying at every time-step. The rate_summary function can be used to remind us of this fact.

  %>% rate_summary(include_formula = TRUE) 
  %>% select(from, to, formula)
##        from to              formula
## S_to_I    S  I (I) * (beta) * (1/N)
## I_to_R    I  R              (gamma)

We see here that S_to_I does indeed depend on I in its formula, whereas I_to_R depends only on a parameter, gamma.

Note that the above command uses the tidyverse-style pipe, %>%, operator and another tidyverse function, select. This illustrates a general philosophy of McMasterPandemic, which is that we try to make the outputs plug into other existing and popular tools rather than reinvent existing functionality for a narrower purpose. For example, the rate_summary function returns a data frame that can be manipulated by other data frame manipulation tools.

We can plug into other existing and popular tools to make a plot of the simulated epidemic trajectory.

 %>% simulation_history
 %>% select(-S_to_I)
 %>% pivot_longer(-Date, names_to = "State", values_to = "Population")
 %>% mutate(State = factor(State, levels = topological_sort(sir)))
 %>% ggplot
 + geom_line(aes(Date, Population, colour = State))

There are a few places you can go from here:

  1. Learn how to fit a model to observed data through Calibration
  2. Learn how to modify the values of parameters in simulation time using Time Varying Parameters
  3. Keep reading to learn about simulating with Observation Error

4.1 Observation Error

sir_with_obs_err = (sir
  %>% update_params(c(
    nb_disp_S = 1e4,
    nb_disp_I = 1e4,
    nb_disp_R = 1e4
  %>% update_error_dist(
    S ~ negative_binomial("nb_disp_S"),
    I ~ negative_binomial("nb_disp_I"),
    R ~ negative_binomial("nb_disp_R")
  %>% simulation_history(obs_error = TRUE)
  %>% select(Date, S, I, R)
  %>% pivot_longer(-Date, names_to = "var", values_to = "value")
  %>% rename(date = Date)
  %>% mutate(var = factor(var, levels = topological_sort(sir)))
  %>% ggplot
  + facet_wrap(~ var)
  + geom_point(aes(date, value))