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Expand a structured model so that it is represented in an unstructured format requiring a more verbose description. Currently, this is only applicable for mp_tmb_model_spec objects that have explicit flows (e.g. mp_per_capita_flow). For such models, mp_expand produces a model with expression lists composed entirely of plain R formulas.





A model object.


sir = mp_tmb_library("starter_models", "sir", package = "macpan2")
#> ---------------------
#> Default values:
#> ---------------------
#>  matrix row col value
#>    beta           0.2
#>   gamma           0.1
#>       N         100.0
#>       I           1.0
#>       R           0.0
#> ---------------------
#> Before the simulation loop (t = 0):
#> ---------------------
#> 1: S ~ N - I - R
#> ---------------------
#> At every iteration of the simulation loop (t = 1 to T):
#> ---------------------
#> 1: mp_per_capita_flow(from = "S", to = "I", rate = infection ~ I * 
#>      beta/N)
#> 2: mp_per_capita_flow(from = "I", to = "R", rate = recovery ~ gamma)
#> ---------------------
#> Default values:
#> ---------------------
#>  matrix row col value
#>    beta           0.2
#>   gamma           0.1
#>       N         100.0
#>       I           1.0
#>       R           0.0
#> ---------------------
#> Before the simulation loop (t = 0):
#> ---------------------
#> 1: S ~ N - I - R
#> ---------------------
#> At every iteration of the simulation loop (t = 1 to T):
#> ---------------------
#> 1: infection ~ S * (I * beta/N)
#> 2: recovery ~ I * (gamma)
#> 3: S ~ S - infection
#> 4: I ~ I + infection - recovery
#> 5: R ~ R + recovery