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Calibrate a model that has been parameterized, typically by using mp_tmb_calibrator to produce such a model.


mp_optimize(model, optimizer, ...)

# S3 method for class 'TMBCalibrator'
  optimizer = c("nlminb", "optim", "DEoptim", "optimize", "optimise"),



A model object capable of being optimized. Typically this object will be produced using mp_tmb_calibrator.


Name of an implemented optimizer. See below for the options and details on using each option.


Arguments to pass to the optimizer.


The output of the optimizer. The model object is modified and saves the history of optimization outputs. These outputs can be obtained using mp_optimizer_output.


The mp_tmb_calibrator models that get passed to mp_optimize will remember both their original default parameters set at the time the model was created, and their currently best parameters that get the updated when mp_optimize is run. The optimization is started from the currently best parameter set. Therefore, if you find yourself in a local minimum you might need to either recreate the model using mp_tmb_calibrator or use optimizer = "DEoptim", which is more robust to objective functions with multiple optima.

Methods (by class)

  • mp_optimize(TMBCalibrator): Optimize a TMB calibrator.

Details on Using Each Type of Optimizer


The default optimizer is nlminb. This optimizer uses gradients computed by the Template Model Builder engine of macpan2. This optimizer is efficient at local optimization by exploiting the gradient information computed by automatic differentiation. However, like many nonlinear optimizers, it can struggle if the objective function has multiple optima.

To set control parameters (e.g., maximum number of iterations), you can use the control argument:

mp_optimize(model, "nlminb", control = list(iter.max = 800))

See the nlminb help page for the complete list of control parameters and what the output means.


The optim optimizer lets you choose from a variety of optimization algorithms. The default, method = "Nelder-Mead", does not use second derivatives (compare with the description of nlminb), and so could be less efficient at taking each step. However, we find that it can be somewhat better at getting out of local optima, although the "DEoptim" optimizer is designed for objective functions with multiple optima (see description below).

To set control parameters (e.g., maximum number of iterations), one may use the following.

mp_optimize(model, "nlminb", control = list(maxit = 800))

See the optim help page for the complete list of control parameters and what the output means.

If your model is parameterized by only a single parameter, you'll get a warning asking you to use 'method = "Brent"' or optimizer = 'optimize()'. You can ignore this warning if you are happy with your answer, or can do either of the suggested options as follows.

mp_optimize(model, "optim", method = "Brent", lower = 0, upper = 1.2)
mp_optimize(model, "optimize", interval = c(0, 1.2))

In this case you have to specify lower and upper bounds for the optimization.


The DEoptim optimizer comes from the DEoptim package; you'll need to have that package installed to use this option. It is designed for objective functions with multiple optima. Use this method if you do not believe the fit you get by other methods. The downsides of this method are that it doesn't use gradient information and evaluates the objective function at many different points, so is likely to be much slower than gradient-based optimizers such as the default nlminb optimizer, or optim with method = "BFGS".

Because this optimizer starts from multiple points in the parameter space, you need to specify lower and upper bounds for each parameter in the parameter vector.

mp_optimize(model, "DEoptim", lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1.2, 1.2))

In this example we have two parameters, and therefore need to specify two values each for lower and upper

optimize and optimise

This optimizer can only be used for models parameterized with a single parameter. You need to specify lower and upper bounds, e.g.

mp_optimize(model, "optimize", c(0, 1.2))


spec = ("starter_models"
  |> mp_tmb_library("seir", package = "macpan2")
  |> mp_tmb_update(default = list(beta = 0.6))
sim = mp_simulator(spec, 50, "infection")

## simulate data to fit to, but remove the start of the
## simulated epidemic in order to make it more difficult
## to fit.
data = mp_trajectory(sim)
data = data[data$time > 24, ]
data$time = data$time - 24

## time scale object that accounts for the true starting time
## of the epidemic (in this example we are not trying to estimate
## the initial number infected, so the starting time strongly
## affects the fitting procedure)
time = mp_sim_offset(24, 0, "steps")

## model calibrator, estimating only the transmission parameter
cal = mp_tmb_calibrator(spec
  , data = data
  , traj = "infection"
  , par = "beta"
  , default = list(beta = 1)
  , time = time

## From the starting point at beta = 1 this takes us into a
## local optimum at beta = 0.13, far from the true value of beta = 0.6.
#> outer mgc:  107.7808 
#> outer mgc:  144.4986 
#> outer mgc:  53.9732 
#> outer mgc:  2.861121 
#> outer mgc:  0.01056093 
#> outer mgc:  1.460927e-07 
#> outer mgc:  1.612044e-13 
#> $par
#>    params 
#> 0.1274977 
#> $objective
#> [1] 15.81868
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $iterations
#> [1] 7
#> $evaluations
#> function gradient 
#>        8        7 
#> $message
#> [1] "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)"

## In this case, one-dimensional optimization finds the true value.
mp_optimize(cal, "optimize", c(0, 1.2))
#> $minimum
#> [1] 0.5999964
#> $objective
#> [1] 8.23869