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Return simulations of the trajectory of the output variables of a dynamical model simulator. To see this functionality in context, please see vignette("quickstart").


mp_trajectory(model, include_initial = FALSE)

  parameter_updates = list(),
  include_initial = FALSE,
  include_final = FALSE,
  baseline = c("recommended", "default", "optimized")

  model, = FALSE,
  conf.level = 0.95,
  include_initial = FALSE,
  back_transform = TRUE

mp_trajectory_ensemble(model, n, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))

mp_trajectory_sim(model, n, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975))

  parameter_updates = list(),
  include_initial = FALSE,
  include_final = FALSE,
  baseline = c("recommended", "default", "optimized")



A dynamical model simulator produced by mp_simulator.


Should the initial values of the simulation be included in the output? If TRUE this will include outputs for time == 0 associated with the initial values. See mp_initial for another approach to getting the initial values.


Named list of a subset of model variables with the values to use when simulating the trajectory using the mp_trajectory_par function. In the future we plan to allow this variable to be a data frame with one row for each scalar value (which would be useful if only certain elements of a vector or matrix are parameters) and a string giving the name of a file containing parameter information. But for now, only a list is allowed.


Should the final values of the simulation, after the post-simulation processing steps in the after stage of a model, be included in the output? If TRUE this will include outputs for time == time_steps + 1, associated with the values of the variables after the full trajectory has been post-processed in the after stage. See mp_final for another approach to getting the final values.


Models can contain several alternative sets of parameters, and this baseline argument is used to choose which of these should be updated using the parameter_updates passed to mp_trajectory_par. The current options are "recommended", "optimized", and "default". The "recommended" option will be used if neither of the other two options are selected. If model is capable of being optimized (e.g., it was created using mp_tmb_calibrator) then "recommended" is equivalent to "optimized", which use the best set of parameters found by mp_optimize. If mp_optimize has not yet been called on model then a warning will be issued. If model is not capable of being optimized then "recommended" is equivalent to "default", which uses the original set of parameters available when model was created.

Should confidence intervals be produced?


If is TRUE, what confidence level should be used? For example, the default of 0.95 corresponds to 95% confidence intervals.


A boolean to indicate if trajectories, standard deviations, and confidence intervals should be back transformed to the original scale. Variable names are also stripped of their transformation identifier. Currently, this back transformation only applies to log transformed coefficients that have been named with "log_" prefix or logit transformed coefficients that have been named with "logit_" prefix. Back transformation also applies to time varying parameters and distributional parameters that get automatic prefixes when used. back_transform defaults to TRUE.


Number of random trajectories to simulate.


Numeric vector of probabilities corresponding to quantiles for summarizing the results over the random realizations.


A data frame with one row for each simulated value and the following columns.


Name of the variable in the model. All variables are matrix-valued in macpan2 (scalars are technically 1-by-1 matrices), which explains the name of this field. In hindsight I would have called it variable.


Time index of the simulated value, with time = 0 indicating initial values.


The 0-based index of the row of the matrix, or the name of the row of the matrix if row names (or names for column vectors) are supplied for the default value of the matrix.


The 0-based index of the column of the matrix, or the name of the column of the matrix if column names are supplied for the default value of the matrix. It is also possible that this column is blank if everything is either a scalar or column vector (a common case).


(mp_trajectory and mp_trajectory_sd) Simulation values.


(for mp_trajectory_sd only) The standard deviations of the simulated values accounting for parameter estimation uncertainty.


(for mp_trajectory_sd only) The lower bounds of the confidence interval for the simulated values.


(for mp_trajectory_sd only) The upper bounds of the confidence interval for the simulated values.


(for mp_trajectory_[ensemble|sim]) The n-th quantiles of the simulation values over repeated simulations.


  • mp_trajectory_par(): Produce a trajectory, after updating the baseline set of parameters with values in parameter_updates.

  • mp_trajectory_sd(): Simulate a trajectory that includes uncertainty information provided by the sdreport function in TMB with default settings.

  • mp_trajectory_ensemble(): Simulate a trajectory that includes uncertainty information provided by repeatedly sampling from a normal approximation to the distribution of the fitted parameters, and generating one trajectory for each of these samples. The quantiles of the empirical distribution of these trajectories can be used to produce a confidence interval for the fitted trajectory.

  • mp_trajectory_sim(): Generate quantiles over n realizations of the trajectory. Instead of a value column in the output data frame, there is one column for each of the quantiles defined in probs.

  • mp_trajectory_replicate(): Generate a list of n simulation results.


spec = mp_tmb_library("starter_models"
  , "si"
  , package = "macpan2"
simulator = mp_simulator(spec
  , time_steps = 10L
  , outputs = c("infection", "I")
trajectory = mp_trajectory(simulator)
#>       matrix time row col     value
#> 1          I    1   0   0 1.1980000
#> 2  infection    1   0   0 0.1980000
#> 3          I    2   0   0 1.4347296
#> 4  infection    2   0   0 0.2367296
#> 5          I    3   0   0 1.7175586
#> 6  infection    3   0   0 0.2828290
#> 7          I    4   0   0 2.0551703
#> 8  infection    4   0   0 0.3376117
#> 9          I    5   0   0 2.4577569
#> 10 infection    5   0   0 0.4025866
#> 11         I    6   0   0 2.9372272
#> 12 infection    6   0   0 0.4794702
#> 13         I    7   0   0 3.5074180
#> 14 infection    7   0   0 0.5701908
#> 15         I    8   0   0 4.1842977
#> 16 infection    8   0   0 0.6768796
#> 17         I    9   0   0 4.9861405
#> 18 infection    9   0   0 0.8018428
#> 19         I   10   0   0 5.9336454
#> 20 infection   10   0   0 0.9475049